At this time you can donate either through a check or through paypal. Donations to Re{claimed General Fund go toward the cost of supplies needed for fundraisers, which helps us keep costs to the families free. This Fund also goes toward marketing, mailings, and other business management needs.
If you are sending a check please indicate what family it is dedicated to in the memo area.
Mail a check or money order to:
Katie Hurst
701 Willow St.
Howard City, Mi 49329
Click on the Donate button to donate through paypal using credit or debit cards.
Please specify which family you are donating towards or if you are intending to donate to Reclaimed Adoption's General Fund.
Etsy Purchases
Would you like to check out our site with past projects available for purchase? If a specific fundraiser is not going on, proceeds will go to Re{claimed Adoption Fundraiser's general operating fund.