Adoption Book List
Each of the below books can be found on and are linked to go and directly purchase!
A Passion for the Fatherless: Deeply theological book on why
Christians should be adopting. It’s a deep read and thoroughly convicting.
Orphanology: Easy read and one of my favorites out there on
the topic of adoption and why we need to be involved.
Adopting the Hurt Child: AMAZING. Do not adopt without
reading this book. Warning, it is frightening in its stark reality of what
these kids have gone through and the behaviors you may see.
Parenting the Hurt Child: A follow up to the previous book.
After you have decided to be crazy enough to continue to adopt after reading the
first book this one gives you more practical advice on all the "how to’s".
The Connected Child: Be still my heart! This hits home to me
personally as so much of it is about the sensory needs of adopted children.
I’m Chocolate, You’re Vanilla: Admittedly one that I had a
hard time staying focused on because it felt more statistical than anything
else. If you are considering a transracial adoption this is a good one to read.
Before You Were Mine: This is about creating a lifebook for
your adopted child. Children of adoption have a story that needs to be
discovered and recorded. It’s their personal history.
Adopted for Life: This is a broad book about adopting and a Christian's adoption in Christ
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