Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How the Body of Christ works together in adoption

I could quote you verse after verse on how God calls us as Christians to care for the fatherless but more than likely you're a little tired of hearing of how pure and undefiled religion requires the care of widows and orphans, maybe even a little overwhelmed by the thought. What happens if you are beyond the parenting years or a single person uncomfortable with the thought of parenting alone or just not at a place in your life where it seems to fit? What then? Are you left out of being a part of "true religion?"

I hope that if you are a Christian that you have been able to see how God created the Body of Christ to work together towards a common goal. The goal being the living, breathing Gospel of Jesus. Every person has unique talents specifically given to him for a purpose in fulfilling that goal. God uses the Body of Christ in the same way for adoption. Adoption is one of the most perfect examples on earth of God's salvation to us as He adopts us into His family. Sometimes He will ask you to sacrifice the life you have now and bring one of His hurting ones into your family. Sometimes He won't. But He will ask you to do something. 

A large purpose in our organization is to bridge that gap, to allow those that are unable to adopt to still be a part of the process. Maybe you can bring a meal to a family or babysit so the parents can have a night away. Maybe you can give to help them finance their adoption. Many adoptions are extremely costly, upwards of $20,000 and that's a conservative estimate. We can't all adopt, but we can all do something. Most of us can skip eating out this week, skip our mochas, we could lower our cell phone plans for a month, or simply make a double meal and bring it to our friends. Give your friend that just adopted a call and just be there to listen to their fears and frustrations. The road they are walking is so much more difficult that you can imagine. Take them out for coffee and just let them be honest in their frailty, just let them be human for a moment. 

Be a part of God's calling to adopt. Be a working part of the Body of Christ. Adoption is born of brokenness but God is the Great Healer. He brings us together and He alone can bind the broken places. Let's work together towards that pure and undefiled religion of which James 1:27 speaks!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Kruse Family Bio

Lake Ann Camp holds a special place in many of our Michigander hearts, but for Todd and Kristi it holds an extra special place as it is where they would each meet their future spouse. Todd was a counselor and Kristi was on the high school know, the ones dumping that delicious oatmeal in your bowl each morning. Who wouldn't fall in love over that oatmeal?  

However, it would take Todd and Kristi a little longer to find the path to each other. They remained family friends for a few years until in 2006 Kristi passed a place called Kruse Auction Park and decided to give her old friend Todd a call.  They married one year later in 2007.  Way to go Kristi! Todd, you're a smart man. 

Kristi's mother was adopted and so adoption has always been on Kristi's heart. God began tugging on her heart after seeing a kiosk for adoption. Todd and Kristi talked and prayed about adoption and came to the conclusion that this was the path God was asking them to follow. Their daughter Stella, who is six, has also been praying for God to help them adopt a baby. 

They are currently living in South Dakota and are pursuing a domestic infant adoption. It's a long journey but I am more than confident that if we come together as God's people and pray that He will do far more than we can ever imagine.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Kruse Family Fundraiser

Come join the fun as we host a fundraiser
for the Kruse family. 
Email us at to RSVP
Hope to see you all there!